Man can be inspired by a dust of sand and a particle to cross time and space.

charles perez
6 min readMay 16, 2021


Two elements so small as a dust of sand and a particle can transmit to man a dream, that of crossing space and time.

Earth has seen grains of sand fly over the oceans. Without metaphor, dust of sand from the Sahara desert regularly crosses part of the Atlantic Ocean. The sailors are the first witnesses of this haze with the colors of slender, gray, yellowish or even reddish. She can appear in the middle of a sunny ocean. These mists of sand have generated on the coast of Cape Verde, in several places of the island, beaches of clear sand. Red and gold sand on a volcanic island that should only be surrounded by black sand beaches. An epic hardly believable, under the effect of the wind, a path is made possible between two coasts separated by nearly 600 kilometers.

On December 9, 2018, image captured by the NOAA-20 VIIRS instrument which scans the Earth twice a day at a resolution of 750 meters. NOAA credit.

We discover a description of this phenomenon in an old article by geographer Camille Vallaux published in the annales de géographie in 1930 [1] .

These mists mainly result from dust and fine sand from the desert which come from the neighboring coasts of the continent between Cape Juby and Cape Verde where the Saharan sands can reach the sea without the interposition of mountain ridges. Dust mists often intercept the view from a distance of 2 miles; the thickest, which, in cloudless skies, only show the midday sun like a red disc, are accompanied or followed by falling dust which covers the decks of the boats with a thin red layer. […] It is the currents of height (from 1000 to 2000 meters) which transport them, the currents at ground level having rather the character of a monsoon from east to west. At the beginning and at the height of the summer, the mists and the dust falls diminish, without ever disappearing entirely.

Satellites now offer us proof of this epic (see the Figure). A symbol that lets us believe in the power of wind and lightness alone.

Another adventure crosses space, that of information carried by entangled quantum particles or so-called twins. To understand it, we must observe the heart of matter, the infinitely small. Even though two twin particles (eg photons) are several kilometers apart, if one is changed, the other instantly changes into a dependent state. The information seems to be teleported into space without any real support. These particles are said to form a linked system. Linked, of course, but quite independent of their positions in space. This phenomenon perhaps promises the future of communications. It was tested in 2007 with twin photons located in the Canary Islands. They were separated between La Palma and Tenerife. The quantum information carried by the photons then traveled 144 kilometers “instantly”.

Since then, a Chinese satellite has been able to transmit entangled photons to Earth at a distance of more than 1,000 kilometers. An absolute record and certainly also a promise to one day have a quantum internet. In the short term, we imagine a quantum cryptography allowing the exchange of encryption keys, by extension of messages, in a completely secure manner. This brick making it possible to keep the secret of our digital telecommunications would become unbreakable[2] .

The public evokes the term quantum teleportation and more precisely quantum entanglement, because there is no transport of matter. This property at the heart of the infinitely small is a source of reflection on the very meaning of our universe, of matter and of reality. Is quantum entanglement the ultimate natural resource ? If we have said everything about artificial intelligence, we compare the iron quantum entanglement of our old Bronze Age.

To cross time, to cross the ages, the possibilities are limited and the examples are too. The man is thrown into a snap of time, he does not resist it. Our planet holds a more than uncertain fate in its hands and our universe is perhaps the only one that does not have too much to worry about.

Man is a prisoner of a reduced space-time. However, it is these fate that allows him to open his eyes and discover the most beautiful things in the world. Often, it is about similar prisoners unconscious of their fate : animals, plants and other future vestiges, until the horizon of the events.

Fallen in the middle of everything that seems to us to be. Whether by mistake or by chance ? Sometimes by a series of consequences whose logics are not too badly mastered to us. For many others, for a reason for being so complex and incomprehensible that it all seems most simply amazing. This space and this time exceed us as much as they carry us. What are the important questions ? Our future, our future. Whatever the questions, they are carried by a knowledge so reduced, since an instant of time so present and a point in space that make everything beyond us. The only question will be : why do we have an existence so short and limited by a body that fits so strongly in this time and this space ? Why this fortuitous form of human life ? What is its primary meaning ? To simply bring her back to man, to herself seems, a trap of simplicity to be avoided. What I understood is simple.

Everything is beyond me, and time flies.

No matter where I am, space flees from me.

In the history of humanity, with or without primary will, the creation of man is an object that defies at least time and space. This possibility is offered by language, knowledge, our stories and our myths. Some of our creations take the time of a breath without suffering too much. These images made it possible to contemplate statues of Caesar, portraits of strangers, masks in Alaska, paintings in Malaga, vases in Greece, a whole set of Triumphal Arches and even ivory statuettes from the Paleolithic era. Some self-portraits also did not survive too badly and our museums are accompanying them on this journey.

Anthropologists know to what extent man knows how to forget time in order to make his creations and his stories survive. The Bhopas of Rajasthan have demonstrated an incredible ability to remember and recite poems thousands of lines long. Historian William Dalrymple has long studied this phenomenon[3] . Myths and legends pass through the ages and generations without too much modification. Sometimes with support, but also without support other than verbal transmission and the effort of memory. Our languages ​​reflect this. A way to transcend the limits of our body and to afford an opportunity to belong to a past that is still alive. However, the memory could perhaps one day seem like a luxury of conservation. I had an echo of a possible Atlantis, of a more reliable Colossus of Rhodes, of the library of Alexandria and of many marvels successively fallen into oblivion, as if stranded by time.

In a quest for stability and as if to cross time and navigate space, man offered himself a quest, a power. This power is that of building a myth and a knowledge capable of enduring and of explaining what is most unthinkable in the world : life, time, the universe. In this quest to understand and create a resource to share, homo sapiens uses metaphors of different kinds. The first is scientific. The one that represents the world with figures, equations, models, symbolic creations. This metaphor is extraordinarily correct, which continues to surprise the greatest thinkers. However, it remains forever incomplete. The other more colorful and artistic is that of the myth. This myth carries with it a perceptible reality through culture and beliefs. The two images complement each other and offer man a wealth of interpretation and understanding of the world which has seduced scientists, philosophers and artists at all times.

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[1] C. Vallaux, Mists and aerial dust in the area of ​​the Cape Verde Islands, Annales de géographie, 1930.

[2] Ross Donaldson, Gerald Buller, and Alessandro Fedrizzi Satellite-based quantum communications (Conference Presentation), Proc. SPIE 11134, Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XVII, 2019.

[3] William Dalrymple, The Singer of Epics in Nine Lives, Bloomsbury, 2009.



charles perez
charles perez

Written by charles perez

Professeur associé à la paris school of business. Docteur en science de l’information. Auteur du manuel du métavers

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